Is two better than one?

Contrary to the popular belief that cats are solitary creatures, they’re actually incredibly social beings. When raised with a feline companion from an early age, kittens thrive—emotionally, behaviorally, and socially. That’s why adopting two kittens, or pairing a single kitten with another young cat already in your home, can make a world of difference.

All of the images on this page are from our owners, showing their Belle Ayr cats in their forever homes!

Why Two Kittens Are Actually Half the Work

Surprised to hear that two kittens might be less work than one? It’s true! Giving your kitten a buddy not only enriches their life, but it can also make your life easier. Here’s why:

Observational Learning

Kittens are quick learners, especially when they have a role model. By observing another kitten or cat, your new kitten will pick up essential skills—like using the litter box or grooming—more quickly. They learn from each other, making the training process smoother for you.

Play and Setting Boundaries 

Kittens are full of energy, and they often express it through play. With a playmate, they teach each other good boundaries, like when a playful bite or scratch is too much. They’ll keep each other active, enriched, and happy—leading to a more peaceful, joyful home. 

Staying out of Trouble

An active lone kitten might get into mischief when bored, but two kittens will keep each other occupied. With a buddy to play with, they’re less likely to engage in destructive behaviour out of loneliness or boredom.

It's easier on your Older Adult Cat

If you already have an older adult cat at home, introducing two new kittens can be easier than introducing just one. While a single kitten might pester an older cat, two kittens will keep each other busy, allowing your adult cat to observe and engage at their own pace.

Snuggle Buddy

Moving into a new home can be stressful for a kitten. Having a friend can ease the transition, providing comfort and confidence in their new environment. Just like humans, kittens are more likely to feel secure when they’ve got a snuggle buddy by their side, a purring comfort at night. 

For step-by-step instructions on introducing your new cat to the family, visit our post on Introducing Your New Pet to Family and Other Pets.

Finding the Perfect Pair

When it comes to selecting the right pair or partner for your kitten, focus on temperament rather than gender. Cats, like people, have personalities that shine through, and finding a compatible match is key to a peaceful multi-cat home. For more tips on how to choose the best companion for your kitten see our article on adding a second cat.

In conclusion, adopting two kittens can double the joy and actually make life easier for you and better for them. If you’re ready to welcome twice the fun, love, and companionship into your home, consider adopting a dynamic duo today!

Feedback from a Parent

Carly Skinner

I believe most cats love to have brothers and sisters to live with, especially being inside cats, it enriches there environment to have play partners & takes pressure off parents to keep your kitty entertained - for example at night times when they come alive

There is the exception of some cats that don’t like to share & prefer being the only king or queen of their castle but that comes down to personality. I would recommend getting two kittens over 1, once you have one you will be broody for more anyway… I would 100% recommend Belle Ayr Cats. The best!

Photos of the Skinner family Belle Ayr cats assembly


The Joy of a Solo Kitten


Adding Another Cat to Your Household: Tips for a Peaceful Multi-Cat Home