Animal Welfare - Key to a Reputable Breeder
DNA Profile
All our breeding lines are tested by MyCatDNA and are 100% free against over 50 Health Diseases:
Blood Disorders
Cardiac Disorders
Endocrine Disorders
Immunologic Disorders
Metabolic Disorders
Muscular Disorders
Neurologic Disorders
Neuromuscular Disorders
Ocular Disorders
Renal Disorders, Including PKD
Skeletal DisordersPKD and HCM results are listed with the HCM Foundation.
All of our breeding cats are tested for FIV/FELV.
All cats tested negative.
All our cats and kittens are fully vaccinated against feline enteritis (panleucopaenia) virus (FPV), feline calicivirus (FCV) and, if required, feline herpesvirus (FHV).
The Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER) test is a non-invasive hearing assessment for animals that measures electrical activity in the brain and ear. It can detect inherited or acquired deafness in cats, and other domestic animals.
We have tested all our Maine Coon and British Shorthair lines, they all have ’normal’ hearing.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Our breeding Maine Coons are scanned for HCM (along with their kidneys, liver and spleen) and their results registered with pawpeds.com.
Feline Coronavirus (FCoV)
Through our FCoV Free Clinic site we support research into FCoV management and FIP treatment.
With regular testing and prophylactic treatment we are assured that our cats and kittens will not leave our home with the FIP disease.
General Health
General observation of a cat’s condition is important. We spend time every day with each cat.
Our vets visit the cattery regularly for health check and kitten vaccinations. Our cattery is inspected annually for Government licensing purposes.
General Welfare
We are licensed by our local authority for breeding and boarding and exceed their required standards.
We are members of The International Cat Association® (TICA®) and hold their Outstanding Cattery certification.
TICA is the world's largest genetic registry.
All of our cats reside in insulated, heated accommodation with considerably more space than is required by our licensing authority. All cats have free access to outdoor play areas with lots of opportunities to climb.
All of our kittens are introduced to members of our family from a young age. This includes our grumpy old pet moggies and our pack of Spaniels and Collies.
Our customers often comment on the confidence of their Belle Ayr kittens.
Breeding and Kittens
Our breeding queens are restricted to three litters every two years and we generally retire them from breeding at around four to five years old.
Kitten Release
We do not release our kittens until they have reached at least four months old.
Active Kittens
We only release active kittens to registered catteries that are members of a recognised body.
Pet Kittens for Show
Please be aware that show standard types vary by club, our show cats meet TICA and FiFe standards.