Terms & Conditions

The Terms and Conditions on this page are those in force as of 28th November 2023. If there are any differences between the terms on this page and those you receive with your quotation or invoice then the ones supplied with your quotation / invoice take precedence.

There are additional terms for the sale of Active cats. These may be obtained on request.

BelleAyr Ltd

Terms and Conditions of Sale of a Pet Cat

1 Scope

This document and its appendices form the Terms and Conditions of Sale for BelleAyr Ltd’s customers.

If you have purchased an active cat you will have received an additional document with terms relevant to active animals. If you have not received this please contact us at info@belleayr.com and we will send a copy.

Payment, or part payment, of an invoice to BelleAyr Ltd indicates that you accept and agree to abide by these terms.

We reserve the right to update and amend these terms in accordance with new legislation of change of service.

2 Formation of Contract

No contract of sale exists between you and us until we have received full, or agreed partial, payment against a sales invoice issued by us.

This invoice will include:

1. The date of the order

2. Your address

3. Details of the kitten

4. The price of the kitten (and acknowledgment of Early Bird terms, should these apply.)

5. An overview of the delivery method and fees if applicable

6. Fees for neutering if appropriate

7. Payment terms

3 Payment

Invoices are due on receipt unless otherwise agreed and noted on the invoice.

We may require a 50% down payment as a holding fee and may offer interest free payment by instalments.

Unless agreed in advance, any holding fee must be paid within 24 hours of the invoice being issued or the animal will be re-advertised.

Boarding fees are invoiced monthly and are due on receipt.

If an animal is to be sterilised then the full purchase price of the kitten must be received at least 48 hours prior to the booked date of sterilisation. A vet cancellation fee of £50 will be charged if sterilisation has to be cancelled due to lack of payment.

No animal will be released until all outstanding balances, including vet and delivery fees, are paid.

Failure to pay any outstanding balances (purchase price, shipping costs, or other) prior to the agreed release date of the animal shall result in the cancellation of the sale without any refund and the re-advertising of the animal.

Payment may be made by bank transfer, or on request, credit/debit card.

4 Early Bird Deposit Scheme

We may offer an Early Bird scheme where, upon the payment of a deposit, we allow you first choice from a litter before it is released for general sale.

We aim to provide options on your explicit choice for a kitten within a six month window, the dates of which will be provided on the sales invoice. Should we be unable to fulfil this then your Early Bird deposit will be fully refunded, or put towards another kitten of your choosing.

5 Post Purchase Communication

Photographs of your animal will be provided before purchase and departure.

Photographs and videos can be provided via email, WhatsApp and Facebook. All such media are copyright (c) BelleAyr Ltd and may not be copied or distributed without the written permission of BelleAyr Ltd.

You will be kept informed of any significant progress in your animal’s development or medical treatment.

Contracts and Terms and Conditions of Sales may not be copied or distributed without the written permission of BelleAyr Ltd.

Your animal’s parents are DNA tested by MyCATDNA. Copies of these reports are available on request.

6 Delivery / Collection

Delivery can be arranged by us with third party licensed providers.

Delivery fees may be invoiced separately from the animal purchase, this will be notified on the animal’s invoice.

For all international (outside the UK) deliveries, or national deliveries where the animal has been neutered, a pre-departure health check is carried out by our vet to ensure that the animal is fit to travel. Under no circumstances will an animal be released if our vet decides that it is not fit to travel.

We take no liability for animals once they have been accepted by the courier company. It is the courier’s responsibility to ensure that they have the documentation required to permit the transport of the animal.

Departure / Collection Dates

All departure, or collection, dates are subject to the animal being cleared to leave the cattery.

Delays may be caused by:

• Vet checks

• Vaccination dates

• Recovery time from sterilisation

• Recovery time from vaccinations

• Other causes

Under no circumstances will an animal be released if, in our opinion, its health or well being is at risk.

7 Kitten Pack

With your kitten you will receive a welcome pack which typically consists of:

1. The pedigree

2. Vaccination book

3. Four weeks free insurance with Pet Plan (if appropriate)

4. Receipt of sale and transfer of ownership

5. Gifts and food (only if delivery is by road)

The exact contents may vary.

The documentation contains all the original signed documentation you will need should you wish to Cat Club register with FIFe, TICA, WCF or for your pet's insurance. It is released with the kitten and not before (some pedigrees may be posted if we have not received them prior to departure).

8 Kitten Insurance

For kittens under 12 months old, sold within the UK, we provide four weeks of free Pet Plan insurance registered and activated the day before departure. Pet Plan provides up to £4,000 Veterinary Fees cover to new owners.

To extend the insurance beyond the four week period you must opt-in with Pet Plan during the initial four weeks.

9 Transfer of Ownership

The ownership of the animal remains with the main care provider, BelleAyr Ltd, until the animal is resident with the new owner.

Transfer of Ownership shall be deemed to have occurred once the new owner is in possession of the animal and a copy of the Transfer Certificate has been provided via email (or by post if required).

You can not resell or re-home the animal without our permission.

10 Boarding

We are a licensed boarding facility and can offer complimentary short term boarding for cats purchased from us. For health reasons we do not offer boarding to animals other than those sold by us.

Longer term boarding may be arranged for a fee. If appropriate this will be agreed and invoiced separately.

11 Refunds and Returns

Kittens are Bespoke (each is unique) and are Perishable (their value drops over time), therefore there is no "cooling-off" period and no refunds are payable should you change your mind and wish to withdraw from the purchase.

12 Violation of Terms, Withdrawal from Sale

Should we withdraw a kitten before it is released to you due to a breach of these Terms and Conditions or our Bullying and Harassment Policy (Appendix 1) by yourselves, then payment refunds are subject to review and then are processed within 30 days.

Should we withdraw a kitten before it is released for any reason other than a violation of our Terms and Conditions or Policies, then you will be offered either a full refund of what you have paid to date or the option of another kitten.

Appendix 1: Bullying and Harassment Policy


Belle Ayr Ltd. works with a wide variety of individuals, professional organisations and animals as part of its activities. These are all covered by this policy.

These parties and activities include, but are not limited to:

• Looking after animals

• Selling Animals

• Visitor Appointments

• Video Conferencing

• Company Staff

• Clinical Staff

• Support auxiliaries, including third parties acting on behalf of Belle Ayr Ltd.

• Customers and prospective customers

The purpose of this policy statement is:

• To prevent bullying, inappropriate behaviour and harassment between Belle Ayr Ltd. employees, outside organisations, support auxiliaries (who are a part of our organisation or take part in our activities), customers and prospective customers.

• To ensure bullying, inappropriate behaviour or harassment is stopped as soon as possible if it does happen and that those involved receive the support they need.

• To provide information to all parties about what we should all do to prevent and deal with bullying, inappropriate behaviour and harassment.

What is bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour?

Bullying and harassment is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means that undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient. Bullying and harassment can include the use of personal strength or the power to coerce through fear or intimidation, not necessarily from someone in a position of authority.

Bullying, inappropriate behaviour and harassment may be physical, verbal or non-verbal. It can include conduct that is not face-to-face, including text message, phone, email and social media.

Examples of bullying, inappropriate behaviour and harassment include:

• Physical or psychological threats.

• Inappropriate or unreasonable demands or repeated demands.

• Misleading, overbearing and intimidating levels of communication.

• Unsubstantiated, inappropriate derogatory remarks about a person or their performance.

• Expecting a party to do something they are not legally permitted or out-with their control or contract to do.

• Persistently picking on people.

• Setting a party up to fail by overloading them with work or setting impossible deadlines.

We recognise that:

Bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour cause real distress and affects a person’s health and development.

Responding to bullying, harassment & inappropriate behaviour

We will make sure our response to incidents of bullying takes into account:

• The needs of the person being targeted.

• The needs of the person displaying inappropriate behaviour.

• Our organisation as a whole.

Action taken:

We will take action in accordance with out Terms and Conditions and organisational procedures.

Confirmation notification of action will be issued by email and a physical copy will be sent by recorded delivery.

No further communication will be issued by social media, text, phone or standard email.

Appendix 2: Contract of Transfer of Ownership

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale implies acceptance of the Contract of Transfer of Ownership.

If you have not received a copy of this document please contact us.

Additional Terms and Conditions of Sale of an Active Cat


This document is an extension of the Belle Ayr Terms and Conditions of Sale of a Pet Cat (v1.6.1+) and together they form the Terms and Conditions of Sale of an active cat for BelleAyr Ltd’s customers.

All terms in this document replace or extend those in the corresponding sections of the Terms and Conditions of Sale of a Pet Cat.

Payment, or part payment, of an invoice to BelleAyr Ltd indicates that you accept and agree to abide by these terms.

We reserve the right to update and amend these terms in accordance with new legislation of change of service.

You should have received a copy of the Terms and Conditions of Sale of a Pet Cat along with this document. If you have not then please let us know at info@belleayr.com and we will forward a copy.

2Formation of Contract

No changes.


No changes.

4Early Bird Deposit Scheme

No changes.

5Post Purchase Communication

No changes.

6Delivery / Collection

No changes.

7Kitten Pack

No changes.

8Kitten Insurance

No changes.

9Transfer of Ownership

Additional clause:

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale implies acceptance of the Contract of Transfer of Ownership (Appendix 2 to this document).


No changes.

11Refunds and Returns

No changes.

12Violation of Terms: Withdrawal from Post Sales Support

No changes.

13 Violation of Terms: Withdrawal from Sale

No changes.

Appendix 1: Bullying and Harassment Policy

No changes.

Appendix 2: Contract of Transfer of Ownership

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale implies acceptance of this Contract of Transfer of Ownership.

Terms in this Appendix supersede any other related terms in our Terms and Conditions documents.

1Terms and Conditions

  1. If the animal has SHOWING and/or BREEDING RIGHTS, the Breeder states that the animal is of exhibition quality at the moment of sale. The Breeder does not bear responsibility for the further development of the animal and the success of its exhibition or breeding career.

  2. The Breeder affirms that they have no knowledge of defects or diseases of the animal at the moment of the animal’s reservation. The Breeder is not responsible for hidden defects or illnesses that cannot be seen visually or felt by hand at the moment of the animal’s departure or for any kinds of faults, defects or illnesses that may possible reveal or occur after the animal’s departure.

  3. The Breeder cannot predict the animal’s final size, the development of colour and fur quality, eye colour, length of coat, temperament, behaviour, food allergies or any genetic, health or personality issues. The Breeder cannot predict nor guarantee the future fertile qualities of the cat.

  4. The animal should have due care from the Owner’s veterinary service.

  5. The animal should not be contained in a cage smaller then 3m x 3m unless it has free access to an outdoor space.

  6. The Owner is responsible for the environmental safety of the animal. E.g. protection from open balconies, windows, roads, etc.

  7. The Owner confirms that nobody has an allergy to animals in their family / cattery.

  1. The Owner undertakes not to put the animal to stud with an animal which does not belong to the Owner’s cattery.

  2. The Owner undertakes to care for the animal humanely and to follow the breeding standards and rules of the club and system in which they are registered.

  3. The Owner agrees that they do not have the right to give or sell the animal to another person without the animal being sterilised and without permission from the breeder.

  4. The Owner confirms that they are not acquiring the animal on behalf of a third party.

  5. Breeding activity of the animal is not allowed before the age of 10 months for a male and 12 months for a female. The animal may only be mated with British Pedigree registered cats owned by the owner. Outcross breeding is prohibited.

  6. Any video, photo or text information about the animal which is published by The Owner in the media or on websites and forums on the Internet, must contain the full name of the animal with the obligatory indication of its breeding prefix “Belle Ayr”.

  7. The Owner is to address all questions and opinions regarding the pedigree data, health, reproduction and behaviour of the animal only with The Breeder or the animal’s vet.

    The owner is prohibited from discussing such issues in the media, on websites and social media forums on the Internet, and with third parties excepting medical professionals. The Owner agrees that on violation of this paragraph The Owner will be charged a penalty equal to the cost of the kitten, payable to The Breeder.

2Health Statement

  1. At the time of purchase, the animal is in good health, does not have visible attributes of virus infections and does not suffer from fungal diseases and external parasites. It originates from an FIV/FELV negative cattery and is free from any life threatening disease. All adults cats on the premises are routinely tested and found negative for Feline leukaemia and Feline AIDS to ensure that the cattery remains free of such diseases.

  2. The animal has received antiviral inoculations (vaccinations). Parasite treatment and vaccinations are recorded in the Health Certificate/ Record.

  3. Should the animal arrive at the Owner’s premises in an unhealthy condition then the Owner is obliged to inform the Breeder of the animal’s condition within six hours of the arrival.

  4. From the date of arrival at the Owner’s premises the animal should be quarantined in a separate room, with no contact with other domestic or wild animals, for a period of fourteen days.

  5. The transportation of an animal, especially on a long journey, causes stress in the animal, even if it is not visible it is surely present. It is important to give a young animal the time necessary to get used to its new environment, other animals and people. The fourteen day quarantine helps with this. Stress weakens the immune system which may cause the animal to display typical symptoms such as: nervousness, sneezing, discharge from the nose or eyes, diarrhoea or constipation. The Owner is responsible for providing the animal with all necessary nutritional and medical care, if needed.

  6. In the event that the animal is being delivered via airline and licensed courier the Breeders is responsible for the health of the animal only up until the animal is accepted by the licensed courier or airline.

  7. The Breeder shall not be liable for any illness, injury or death of the animal due to loss, negligence or delay on the part of the licensed courier or the airline and any remediation should be sought directly from the airline or courier.

Appendix 3: Details of Health Checks & Treatments Undertaken

This appendix details the screening, vaccinations and other health interventions that we perform on our breeding cats and sales animals.


We screen our breeding colony or new cats for viral infections (Feline Coronavirus) FCoV, feline enteritis (panleucopaenia) virus (FPV), feline calicivirus (FCV) and, if required, feline herpesvirus (FHV).

All our breeding cats are blood tested for:

* FIV/FELV and are negative N/N.



All our kittens are fully vaccinated against feline enteritis (panleucopaenia) virus (FPV), feline calicivirus (FCV) and, if required, feline herpesvirus (FHV).

Active Kittens

All “Active” kittens are provided with their own DNA profile and you will receive your report through mycatdna.com. You can request more tests as required.

Breeding Maine Coons

Our Maine Coon breeding cats have echocardiogram scans to check:

  • Heart (for HCM)

  • Liver

  • Lungs

  • Kidneys (PKD)

The results are registered with PawPeds. We scan our breeding Maine Coons annually.


Included Health Tests as of November 2022:

Acute Intermittent Porphyria (Variant 1)

Acute Intermittent Porphyria (Variant 2)

Acute Intermittent Porphyria (Variant 3)

Acute Intermittent Porphyria (Variant 4)

Acute Intermittent Porphyria (Variant 5) - NEW!

Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome

Blood Type

Burmese Head Defect

Chediak-Higashi Syndrome (Discovered in Persian cats) - NEW!

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria

Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome

Cystinuria Type 1A

Cystinuria Type B (Variant 1)

Cystinuria Type B (Variant 2)

Cystinuria Type B (Variant 3)

Dihydropyrimidinase Deficiency

Earfold and Osteochondrodysplasia (Discovered in the Scottish Fold)

Factor XII Deficiency (Variant 1)

Factor XII Deficiency (Variant 2) - NEW!

Familial Episodic Hypokalaemic Polymyopathy (Discovered in Burmese)

Glutaric Aciduria Type II - NEW!

Glycogen Storage Disease

GM1 Gangliosidosis

GM2 Gangliosidosis

GM2 Gangliosidosis, type II (Discovered in Burmese cats) - NEW!

GM2 Gangliosidosis, type II (Discovered in domestic shorthair cats)

GM2 Gangliosidosis, type II (Discovered in japanese domestic cats)

Hemophilia B (Variant 1)

Hemophilia B (Variant 2)

Hyperoxaluria type II

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM Discovered in Maine Coon)

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (Discovered in Ragdoll)

Hypotrichosis (Discovered in Sacred Birman)

Lipoprotein Lipase Deficiency

Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I

Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI (G1558A variant) - NEW!

Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI (T1427C variant)

Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VII

Mucopolysaccharidosis VII

Multidrug Resistance 1

Myotonia Congenita

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (rdAc-PRA)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (Discovered in Bengal cats)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (Discovered in Persian cats) - NEW!

Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency

Sphingomyelinosis (Variant 1)

Sphingomyelinosis (Variant 2)

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)

Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets

Included Trait Tests

Agouti (A) Locus:

Charcoal (Apb)

Non-Agouti (a)

Brown (B) Locus:

Chocolate (b)

Cinnamon (bl)

Color (C) Locus:

Colorpoint (cb)

Colorpoint (cs)

Mocha (cm) - NEW!

Albinism (c)

Extension (E) Locus:

Amber (e)

Russet (er)

Dilution (D) Locus:

Dilution (d)

White Patterns:

Gloves (Birman - White feet)

White Spotting/Dominant White

Other Coat Types

Glitter coat - NEW and EXCLUSIVE to Wisdom Health

Hairlessness (Discovered in Sphynx)

Long hair (mutation M1)

Long hair (mutation M2)

Long hair (mutation M3)

Long hair (mutation M4)

Lykoi coat (mutation Ca) - NEW!

Lykoi coat (mutation VA) - NEW!

Rexing (discovered in Cornish Rex and German Rex)

Rexing (discovered in Devon Rex)

Body Features:

Short tail (discovered in Japanese Bobtail cats)

Short tail (discovered in Manx), two variants

Polydactyly (mutation HW)

Polydactyly (mutation UK1)

Polydactyly (mutation UK2)