Blue Eye Programme

Exclusive to Belle Ayr UK - Blue Eye and Odd-Eye Golden British Shorthair/Longhair kittens.

Exclusive to Belle Ayr UK 
We now breed Blue Eye and Odd-Eye lines in the Golden and Silver British Shorthair/Longhair cats.

We are the only UK Pedigree Registered Cattery that has Blue Odd-Eyes (DBE) in Golden & Silver cats.

These are extremely rare kittens. If you are looking for something that stands out then join our exclusive Blue and Odd Eye Family.

Our Odd-Eye Lineage
This striking phenomenon, called heterochromia, can also occur in dogs and people. Heterochromia in cats might result in any number of eye combinations, such as one blue eye the other green or gold.

Heterochromia does not affect the kitten's health in any way.

Our lines stem from the conventional blue-eyed/odd-eyed cats, found and accepted in the bi-colour and Van British Shorthair Cats.

Our blue eyed / odd eyed cats do not express white facial markings or visible white markings and do not descend from the Russian Ojos Azules/Altai/Topaz breeds or British lines which have been outcrossed with these breeds. A distinctive of the outcrossed lines is a lighter blue of the eyes. Our cats do not look like the outcrossed cats, they have the rounded features and the well set, deeper blue, eyes and ears of the traditional British Shorthair.

We DNA screen all our Blue Eyed kittens for health and coat colour/ markings.

Hope you like them as much as we do!

Belle Ayr Cats contributes samples and is continuing to work with Professor Marie Abitbo of the Université de Lyon, on research project into the different Dominant Blue Eye (DBE) genes.


Our Adam Wins it for Chloe!


We’re Number 1!